CST系列磁力起动器适用于船舶50HZ 或60HZ电网,用来就地控制或遥控三相异步电动机的起动/停止和运转方式,并对电动机实施短路、过载、断相以及失压保护起动方式根据电动机功率的递增一般分为直接起动、星/三角起动、自耦变压器起动或变频软起动。运转方式分为单向运转,可逆运转,双速运转等。其安装方式根据容量的大小可分为壁挂箱式和落地柜式,防护等级根据安装场所的不同可以
达到IP23或IP44. |
CST series of magnetic starters are applicable to ship mains
50HZ or 60HZ. They are used to locally control or remotely control
the start/stop and running mode, and implement the protection
e.g. short-circuit, overload, phase-break and under-voltage
for the 3-phase asynchronous motors. The starting forms are
dipartite as per increased motor power capacity, such as Direct-on-line
start, S/D start, Autotransformer start and Frequency converted
start. The running mode can be divided into unidirectional,
reversible and double-speed running. Based upon the different
capacity, they can be built wall-mounted or floor-mounted. The
protective degree of the enclosure can be of IP23 or IP44 according
to its respective installation area. |