

  Navigation Light Controller
  1 NLC应便于对各盏NL的开/关控制。
2 NLC应提供NL开/关状态的视觉指示。
4船长不小于50 m的船舶上的NLC应为下列故障提供报警:
.1 NL供电故障;和
5船长不小于50m的船舶上的NLC应以合理显示方式显示所有NL的状态,并满足MSC.191 (79)决议的要求,如在显示器上使用符号标记。
7 NLC应支持使用海上导航和通信系统的标准串行接口。
8 NLC应有一个双向接口以使报警传送至外部系统并从外部系统接收报警的确认。接口应符合相关国际标准。
9 型号说明
Navigation Lighting Control Panel
Signal Lighting Control Panel


1 An NLC should facilitate ON/OFF controls of individual NLs.
2 An NLC should provide visual indications of "〇N"/"〇FF" status of NLs.
3 Pre-programmed NL group settings may be provided.
4 An NLC on board a ship not less than 50 m in length should provide the alarm for:
.1 failure of power supply to NLs; and
.2 failure, including short circuit, of a lamp which is switched ON.
5 An NLC on board a ship not less than 50 m in length should present the status of all NLs in a logical presentation, meeting the requirements set out in resolution MSC.191(79), e.g., by symbol marks on a display.
6 All indicators of an NLC should be dimmable to ensure easy reading without disturbing the night vision of the Officer of the Watch. The brightness of a display, if fitted, of an NLC should be controllable.
7 An NLC should support the use of standardized serial interfaces for marine navigation and communication systems.
8 The NLC should have a bi-directional interface to transfer alarms to external systems and receive acknowledgements of alarms from external systems. The interface should comply with the relevant international standards.

(C) Jiangyin Kejie Electric Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.